You are finally safe after being attacked by that strange dog that was wandering through your neighborhood. You’ve sought medical attention, reported the incident, and contacted an attorney, but now you’re wondering how you can pay for those medical bills. So where exactly does your compensation come from?
The Insured
Even though Louisiana has a strict liability statute and the owner is technically liable for damages, the dog owner’s insurance company will most likely pay for the medical bills you’ve incurred. In fact, according to the Insurance Information Institute, more than one-third of homeowner’s insurance claim dollars in 2014 were paid out due to dog-related injuries. Whether it is homeowner’s, renter’s, landlord’s, motor vehicle or other types of insurance, you generally won’t have to pay for your medical bills if the owner is insured.
Some insurance companies will only pay up to a certain dollar amount or they might only cover certain dog breeds. If you find yourself attacked by a dog that is not covered by the dog owner’s insurance or you go over the dollar limit, don’t panic. In the case that the insurance is inadequate or even non-existent, the owner of the dog is responsible for paying for damages with their own money.
Many dog bite lawsuits will never reach court because the dog owner’s insurance company or the owner will settle them before it reaches that point. Finding an attorney with a background in dog attack cases, whether it reaches court or not, will help ensure you are fully compensated by insurance companies or the dog owner for all your injuries.
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